
ACG networks

About ACG Networks

While you can find information in so many places these days, ACG’s peer-to-peer networks offer invaluable wisdom. ACG actively cultivates networks for a variety of subsets within the middle-market community to provide you with focused peer-to-peer networking and best practice sharing. 

Find Your Network

View the current list of networks available to ACG members below. Click on any of the following to view the ACG chapters that offer programming focused on these valued midmarket professionals.



This network represents the next generation of business leaders and deal-makers in the industry. The focus is on connecting young professionals in the middle-market with the resources needed for professional growth and development. Participants enjoy connections with mid-to-late career professionals through structured networking, educational, mentorship and leadership opportunities.

Facilitating connections between women leaders in the dealmaking community. This network of dynamic professional advisers and corporate leaders offer a unique opportunity to share experiences, offer career support, inspiration and mentorship, and grow your professional contacts.  

Led by family office practitioners, the network affords this distinctive investment group the opportunity to discuss among their peers issues vital to cultivating better partners and deal flow.

While the exact job title may vary, ACG’s network of corporate development officers represent middle-market executives who are focused on growing their company through M&A, strategic alliances, product development and more.

This pilot program out of ACG Philadelphia offers CEOs of private equity-backed portfolio companies an opportunity to connect with like-minded executives in a confidential environment. Participants compare experience and best practices to navigate the investment process, manage growth and plan an exit.